Our complete sensory experience of the world is defined through the five senses.
Take any sense out of the equation,
and our enjoyment and fulfillment would be greatly diminished.
Similarly, sex isn’t just about the feeling of skin against skin.
Highlight the factors of smell and taste,
and our sexual immersion and sensory enjoyment are amplified.
Lust isn’t simply the drive for sexual pleasure.
We aim to redefine lust as the desire to enhance our sensory climax.
A new tasteful experience awaits you, taking LUST to the next exquisite level.
LUST 為美國品牌授權台灣製造。品牌名稱發想,其單字是「渴望」、「需要」的意思。把四字拆開代表本品牌以及對顧客的保證。Lubricant with Ultra Sensation and Taste,強調「妝食同源」等級的玻尿酸基底潤滑按摩蜜。按摩同時,不論在肌膚或是私密處都能達到保養保濕的效果,因「可誤食」的特性,也在親密行為中增添不少情趣,感官上的昇華同時也讓兩人之間的關係更加親近。特別針對敏弱肌的族群,我們有十項產品不添加宣言,以及九項產品保證。